Community Research Collaborative

Through our “Community Research Collaborative (CRC)” we are increasing the research and evaluation capacity of agencies and residents in support of action on social and economic issues.  The Collaborative includes the creation of new community based research, support for action research projects, a program of skill building activities on various research and evaluation topics, development of tools and templates, research mentoring , and significant involvement from skilled volunteers.  


The CRC is closely related to, and supports the capacity building program within the Community Information and Mapping System.  Our three major projects this year were:

  • Supporting the multi-agency research and evaluation program of the Ottawa Neighbourhoods Social Capital Forum;
  • Developing the “Promising Practices” videos and fact sheets, in collaboration with the Ottawa Ethnocultural Coalition and the Projet maison ethnoculturel francophone;
  • Publishing a range of new research reports (See “Research That Matters”, below).


We are grateful to the many skilled research volunteers who have help with this year’s projects.  Funding for the Community Research Collaborative has been received from the United Way / Centraide Ottawa and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, through a summer student position. 

Our Funders

The United Way of Ottawa