Community Economic Development

Partnering for Success in Youth Employment

Partnering for Success in Youth Employment (PSYE) is a collective impact initiative to improve labour market outcomes for 15-29 year olds in Ottawa.  We will increase participation in the labour market and other employment outcomes, by creating pathways to economic opportunities (employment and entrepreneurship) for youth living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.  PSYE is coordinated by the Social Planning Council of Ottawa and currently has 18 partners.  For more information visit the

Youth Active Media

The Art. The Craft. The Impact.


Youth Active Media is a neighbourhood-based, videography initiative for youth.  Youth reflecting geographic communities across Ottawa have the opportunity to learn the art of filmmaking while creating short films about issues that matters to them.  Youth Active Media empowers youth to effect positive social change through art, while developing transferable skills, and providing employment opportunities for youth through paid mentorships!


Building Greener Futures Together

BGFT is dedicated to increasing economic activity in Ottawa’s green renovations sector, and providing resources and information on green renovations to both the public and private sectors. Beginning in 2012, we have also been very excited to launch a new, more comprehensive employment program for young adults looking to enter the “green” home renovation and retrofit industries!

Watch the latest Video in the Green Home Renos Series!