Ottawa Neighbourhood Equity Index & Community Planning

Resources for the non-profit sector and community development practitioners:


Neighborhood Equity Index

The Neighbourhood Equity Index highlights places that are more vulnerable than others and also points to key problems that are the weak spots in the physical distancing strategy such as: 

    • No essential services like a grocery store or pharmacy within walking distance (see WalkScore map)
    • A higher percentage of people in inadequate housing (unaffordable, overcrowded or unsuitable)
    • A higher percentage of vulnerable people (seniors living along, people with mental health challenges)
    • A higher proportion of part-time workers or residents who are working poor – as the crisis has highlighted how many essential workers are in precarious and low paid conditions (personal support workers, homecare workers, grocery store workers, cleaners)
    • More calls for first responders (for mental health crises or crime)


To assist community outreach and planning in the Covid19 crisis, the SPCO has prepared neighbourhood level data and maps relevant to key vulnerable populations.

Data and maps related to community planning in the COVID-19 crisis include:

  • Food Security
  • Seniors living alone
  • Seniors with disabilities
  • Population in low income
  • Youth 15 to 24 in low income

The above information is available at If you are looking for a specific data set or have a data-related question, please contact our Data Coordinator:


Statistics Canada: Data to Insight a Better Canada

Statistics Canada has a series of articles on various subjects which explore the impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic landscape. Covid-19: A data perspective


ESRI Canada


Community development practitioners